Veterinary clinical analysis services
The study of biological samples that we carry out is a fundamental tool that, in combination with the other examination techniques, allows the veterinarian to issue a contrasted clinical judgment, consisting of a specific diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.
We analyze a large number of biological samples of a diverse nature, using techniques that imply different disciplines such as biochemistry, hematology, immunology or microbiology.
Hematology: At ACVLAB we study and classify blood alterations, both of their cellular and plasmatic components, as well as of the organs that participate in their production with the aim of helping veterinary professionals in the prevention, identification and monitoring of diseases that affect animal health.

Clinical Biochemistry: At ACVLAB we carry out a wide range of clinical biochemistry determinations. The study of metabolites, enzymes, specific proteins and electrolytes in blood serum and urine guide the internist in the clinical investigation of different pathologies. They are very valuable complementary tests for the diagnosis and follow-up of each patient.
Endocrinology: At ACVLAB we carry out studies of hormonal quantification and assessment of endocrine function, providing support in the interpretation of the different alterations. We choose the most suitable reagents for each animal species, since the composition of some hormones may differ by a few amino acids.
Allergology: The diagnosis of allergies is a complex process that is based on the study of the clinical history of each patient. Our objective as a Laboratory is to support clinical diagnosis, by performing serological tests, which determine the levels of circulating IgE generated in response to different environmental allergens.
Vitamins and medicines: We carry out precise quantification of medicines and vitamins that guide veterinarians in assigning the dosage of certain treatments that may be dangerous toxins in excess.
Infectious Serology: At ACVLAB we carry out a wide range of serological determinations for different animal species on a daily basis. Detection of antibodies against a specific pathogen, classification, quantification and seroconversion studies are commonly used in infectious medicine for diagnosis, treatment and monitoring of patients, but also as an epidemiological control tool for the detection of asymptomatic carriers. Climate change is favoring the appearance of new pathogens, as well as the expansion of others already known, so the geographical delimitation of endemic areas is constantly changing. In this context, the control and monitoring of infectious diseases of animals is crucial. Zoonosis – Anthroponosis, infectious medicine are our priorities in ONE HEALTH.
The expansion of diseases in our geographical area of influence has forced the administration to establish epizootiological surveillance networks (ORDEN 3/2016 DOGV) which include: Leishmania, Ehrlichia, Rickettsia, Heartworm, Leptospirosis, Lyme and Toxoplasma, among others. others.

ACVLAB has established periodic check-up protocols adapted to these regulations that facilitate veterinary centers epidemiological control of these diseases.
Microbiology: ACVLAB’s microbiology area is responsible for isolation and identification of bacteria, yeasts and fungi through the use of selective cultivation, identification panels and microscopy. The clinical veterinarian is responsible for collecting biological samples for these studies: exudates, punctures, scrapings, tissues, body fluids… The purpose of these studies is to assign personalized treatment and thus increase efficiency.
Antibiotic sensitivity studies allow choosing the most appropriate combination and dose of medicine, avoiding indiscriminate use and reducing the appearance of resistant strains. Different national and international health establishments are making effort to reduce the use of antibiotics both in animal and human medicine, since we all share the same ecosystems. The latest revisions of ONE HEALTH concept include the ecosystem as another pillar of common, interconnected and indivisible health: Person-Animal-Ecosystem.
Parasitology: Parasitology deals with the study of diseases caused by living organisms that act as parasites. This branch of microbiology focuses on protozoa, helminths, and arthropods. Samples to be analyzed are varied, as in other branches of microbiology, given that each of these organisms usually has a very defined predilection for a specific tissue to develop each stage of its biological cycle. At ACVLAB we study samples of blood, feces, exudates, scrapings, urine and various tissues in direct or indirect search for both unicellular and multicellular pathogens in their different life stages.

Molecular Diagnosis: Molecular detection techniques (DNA/RNA) of pathogenic organisms provide the highest levels of sensitivity and specificity in the clinical diagnosis of infectious diseases. At ACVLAB we combine experience, technology and high-quality raw materials in all our molecular tests by P.C.R. in search of viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.
Histopathology: At ACVLAB we strive to offer the most efficient techniques and the most advanced technological systems to make an accurate diagnosis, but histological and cytological studies require highly qualified professionals. Precise identification of tissue and cellular alterations interpreted in the clinical context of the patient, allows the specialist to reach definitive conclusions, which are specified in the issuance of a diagnosis, with its treatment and individualized prognosis.
Histopathological analyzes help to confirm or rule out a presumptive diagnosis. Sometimes it is essential to have a specialist to discuss cases of greater difficulty. Knowing the disease, its causes and stages allows us to carefully analyze different therapeutic options to choose the most appropriate one. Our reports with histological images reveal each case in details, allowing the clinical veterinarian to make contrasted decisions that increase efficiency of the treatment.
Preanalytical Services
ACVLAB supplies the most suitable material for getting, preserving and protecting samples until they are received in the laboratory. All materials supplied by the laboratory have been tested for the use in different methodologies presented in our portfolio. The unification of materials is one more link in quality control, which also includes the pre-analytical phases as a previous step for the standardization of final results. We provide fast courier service locally, regionally and nationally.

Veterinary Clinical Consulting Service
The ACVLAB Laboratory team of veterinarians has extensive and proven experience in clinical analysis, this allows us to offer expert advice on different phases that affect our specialty: preanalytical, analytical and postanalytical.
Our consulting service is aimed at veterinarians in clinical practice, in offices, clinics and hospitals, in wildlife recovery centers, in animal protection associations or in research centers.

Analytical Reports
The purpose of prescription of laboratory tests is to obtain a detailed clinical report of the analytical results. Accuracy and response time in issuing reports are our fundamental pillars.
At ACVLAB we issue reports in with precise results and verified information. Our work routines are designed to prioritize the rapid obtaining of vital diagnostic tests in veterinary medicine.
We pay special attention to the design of these documents to simplify their interpretation, including graphics and images for the eyes of an expert. All our reports include the laboratory history of each patient. Veterinarians highly value having all the information unified and ordered instantly in a single document as it makes it easier for them to make quick contrasted decisions.

Post analytical service (scheduled reviews)
The medical follow-up of pets affected by some pathology is essential to adapt the treatment to each clinical situation. At ACVLAB Laboratory we work to strengthen this commitment between the owner and veterinarian, our PRP Tool (Programmed Review Profiles) automates the planning of this periodic control and allows you to set the reminders for owners n a comfortable and simple way.
This tool has been developed by ACVLAB in collaboration with many veterinary centers. Compliance with review visits and their promotion are among the priorities in current clinical practice. This tool is a support to the veterinarian, letting pet owners make sure that control and follow-up of their animals is carried out regularly, in addition to offering our clients competitive services throughout the year.